R&D Project

For my presentation i’ve decided I’m going to look at the healthy life category, as its something close to my heart. i want to focus on mental health issues and how digital media can help make things easier and more helpful for them. Were living in such a digital age and i feel the NHS isn’t taking advantage of that.

the problems i want to focus on are

– getting appointment

– creating an app were you can book an appointment, see all your upcoming perceptions and medications and when you need to take them, and reminders for those who are forgetful

– also some form of digital platform where people with mental illness can go for 24-7 help from those who are in the same condition or professional people, and ask as an online support group for those who don’t like to going to ones that are face to face.

Why purely graphics?

I couldn’t work projection mapping into my video, however it is something I took into consideration with every step of my design. I decided that my video work well and look great projection mapped on the side of my house, as its my house and its personal to me, or a the building of a tattoo shop because it relates back to the video. I also didn’t include any footage and visual effects, even though stated in the brief but after some conversations with Clive we took using into consideration but i felt it didn’t work with my idea and imm lack of time because of changing ideas at the last minute it just wasn’t possible for me to fit it in.

More Logos.

So when I went back to the drawing board I tried to keep in with the style but changing the shapes. I decided to go with circles because they are smoother and calmer shape, not only that it’s also represents my hair as they same/similar shape. As my hair is a very personal brand for me as every remembers me because of the color and style. In the end I didn’t like how it turned OUT, but staying up with same principles I came up with my final logo. However when I began to animate logo in my video, I felt that the initials weren’t enough and I wanted to try and work my name into as well within the video rather than the logo. I feel my logo represents me well and is personal to me.Screen Shot 2015-11-26 at 14.20.43 Screen Shot 2015-11-26 at 18.38.27

1st Logo Idea

When coming up with logo designs, I began by trying to figure out the main focus of it, so was I going to use my full name, my initials or not at all. After a lot of messing around and trying different styles I decided I didn’t like using my full name, but my initials worked well. Once I had that sorted I started messing around with shapes to stop it from looking boring. When it came to choosing colors, I used Adobe Capture to determine my personal pallet because I wanted the logo and colors to be personal to me and represent me. But after some long thinking I went back to the drawing board because I felt like this wasn’t me. This is because the shapes represented roughness and they were very sharp and brutal and that doesn’t represent me well.


First logo image in the post below.